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Find Your Sports Bra Goldilocks Zone

This week, we came across a fascinating study courtesy of Marathon Handbook: “Is Your Sports Bra Making You Slower? Science Says It’s Likely.” Researchers found an excessively tight bra could increase the “work of breathing” by about 16 percent during intense exercise. That’s because it can make runners take shallower, quicker breaths compared to their properly fitted counterparts.

After reading that, we thought who better to weigh in on the topic than two of our friends and contributors – Coach Dara and Coach Trax. Here’s what they had to say:

Coach Dara

Anyone who has experienced the thrill of an extended elevated heart rate post run due to the frustrating attempts to wriggle out of a wet sports bra knows that this one key clothing item runners love to hate.

While I can’t confirm the data cited in the study, I will wholeheartedly confirm that a proper fitting sports bra is an essential element of a successful run. Sports bras can be the Goldilocks of gear; too tight creates the risk of shallow breathing, too loose can result in back pain or chest pain due to lack of support. A just right sports bra will magically form to your body with the perfect amount of support and comfort.

As a runner, I’ve found that any physical discomfort can lead to emotional discomfort – I become more focused on the pain of the gear than the details of my run. A too tight sports bra might not only physically create shallow breathing but transition to a point where I’m panicked about how tight it is, which inhibits breathing further.

Takeaways? The sports bra is a key component to a solid run. Be like Goldilocks and find your own personal just right fit.

Coach Trax

I don’t care how good you are, running is hard. And there is no reason to make it harder than it needs to be. For all runners, especially a woman, it is incredibly important to be comfortable; to wear clothes that make the body feel good, strong and capable. This includes a sports bra. Honestly, there is nothing worse than feeling like something is so tight around your rib cage that you can’t breathe normally or even move your arms naturally. Breathe in. Breathe out. If it doesn’t feel good, you’re probably not in the right sports bra. Honestly, if it fits right, you shouldn’t notice it at all. There are 41 things to focus on when you’re working out. This should not be one of them.

Find a sports bra that fits

How do you find the perfect middle ground? The original article from Marathon Handbook provides a few tips, like testing new bras in action before buying and choosing options with adjustable straps to fine-tune your fit. Pair that with advice from “How to Breathe While Running: A Guide for Better Performance,” and you’ll fall into your goldilocks zone in no time. You may have heard the debate between mouth and nose breathing while running, but this article says you can have your cake and eat it too. Breathing through your mouth and nose simultaneously ensures you’re getting maximum airflow to increase oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide expulsion.


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