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Headphone Review: Ozlo Sleepbuds ($299)

By Rebecca Trachsel

As far as our health goes, sleep and getting enough of it is at the top of the list. We really can’t perform well, or, in most cases, perform at all, without a decent night’s sleep. Sure, there are those who can magically run a marathon and then throw their kid’s birthday party after watching their other kid’s lacrosse game on three to four hours of shuteye, but they are few and far between. And really, that just sounds awful. Bottom line, sleep should be a priority for all of us. But that’s not how life works. We are traveling, we’re visiting friends or family (staying in Uncle Bob’s room with a baby next door), we’re working in a hotel room with kids running down the hallway. I won’t go on but you get the point. In my 50 years, I have never had a pair of headphones or earbuds that I use for running or working out that I can also comfortably sleep in. My daughter sleeps soundly with her giant Apple headphones over her ears. I have no idea how she does this – how do you turn your head? – but it doesn’t seem to faze her. Just not for me. 

As far as having something in my ear when I’m trying to sleep, it never works. It’s either uncomfortable or it doesn’t fit right and falls out. So, to date, the only thing I have used somewhat successfully if I’m trying to shut the world out is those foam earplugs from CVS. And they’re okay. But if someone is sawing logs in the room next to you and the walls are thin, those little foam plugs are not gonna cut it. 

Enter the Ozlo Sleepbuds. I don’t remember how I found this product, perhaps an ad on Instagram or Amazon, but I saw the words SLEEP SOUNDLY and for obvious reasons, I clicked. After a quick browse I learned that these Sleepbuds were created by former Bose engineers and designed specifically to help you…us…sleep better. Please and thank you. I’m going to go ahead and review these in the same format I’ve used for my other headphone reviews with the caveat that these are specifically for sleeping, not for working out. They are the first of their kind or – at least that I know of – that I am reviewing and I have nothing to compare them to. But I’ll be shocked if anything comes close to this good in the near future. The race is on.


The Ozlo Sleepbuds are very clearly a high quality product. First and foremost, they were designed by former Bose engineers and as far as quality goes, Bose is at the top of the list. Always has been. They arrive well packaged in a box and then within that in a round, metal charging case that easily slides open from the bottom. Mine came charged so all I had to do was download the app and connect them to my phone through Bluetooth. There is a very elaborate book of instructions which I did not read. But there is also a quick setup guide and thankfully that works beautifully. Three easy steps and I was good to go. The charge lasts up to 10 hours so, unless you are hibernating, you will easily make it through the night with them.


Okay, so you are probably not going to use these to work out but you could if you keep the case nearby. And, if I’m being honest, the sound is fantastic; as good as my other earbuds that I do use for running. As I have mentioned in my other reviews, the quality of sound is not that critical to me as I don’t have a good sense for what is ideal. If I put them in my ears and I hear what I want to hear, I’m pretty much good to go. Once these are connected, you can stream anything – books, podcasts, music – and it comes through perfectly. Of course, you can also choose one of the many sound options like rain or a waterfall or, my personal favorite, the ocean. Which sounds exactly like the ocean.


Once I downloaded the app, the Sleepbuds connected through Bluetooth instantly. No issues. I love that. But here’s what else I love. You can stream a podcast or book and then the Sleepbuds will detect when you have fallen asleep and then automatically switch over to the sleep sound of your choice. And this works. The first time I tried them I dozed off listening to a book and woke up to rain (as well as my dog barking because my daughter was coming home from being out). I just think that is so cool. In the near future the case will be able to monitor things like noise, light and room temperature and give you a sleep report in the morning. I’m honestly not sure I need that much information, but I know there are people out there who live for data. 


Ozlo provides four different sizes of silicone tips that are designed to fit snugly in your ear. I had to go down a size for my child-sized ears, but it was very easy to switch them out. When I put them in my ears, I almost didn’t notice they were there. That is how light they are. They are also soft and smooth to the touch. I slept with them in my ears all night and had no issues. They were still sitting comfortably in my ears the next morning. 


At $299 the Ozlo Sleepbuds are definitely an investment. And, in my humble opinion, they are worth every cent. As I mentioned, the first night I tested them I fell asleep easily and woke up to a gentle rain and my dogs barking because Grace was trying to unlock the door. It’s worth noting that Grace rang the doorbell and texted me first and I did not hear either of those. Thankfully, she found the spare key. But, that’s how well they work. Side note – it’s also worth making sure those who need to connect with you in case of emergency can always reach you no matter what. But if you’re in need of sleep and your bases are covered, these are a sure thing. Sweet dreams!

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